Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Whose great idea was it to compare a woman to a flower?

"A woman is precious and delicate, like a flower. But once you pluck the petals, the flower is worthless."

I am sure that we've all heard some variation of this comparison more times than we'd like to admit. As revolting as it is, it took me too long to understand why this is one of the most sexist and idiotic comparisons out there.

Biologically, a flower is the reproductive organ of the plant.

Let me repeat that louder for  the people in the back.

A flower is the freaking Reproductive Organ of the plant!

So when you compare a woman to a flower, you are reducing her to merely her reproductive organs. That is probably the most moronic thing I've ever heard.

A woman is so much more than that. She is an entire person. She is the whole package. Why is that such a hard concept for society to grasp? She is her own person, with her own dreams, desires and ambitions. She is a human being.

Ladies, you are not an object. You are not a flower or a piece of tape that becomes worthless when someone touches you. You are so much more than that. You are a beautiful individual and you should be proud of that. Lady, you are not a flower, you're the whole damn plant. You are a human being. Don't let anyone treat you any less. Let us end this silence now. Let us stand up and fight - against sexism, misogyny and assholery. Let us fight for our human rights.

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