Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Year Ahead Of Me

I stepped into Eleventh Grade today. Same school. Different classmates. Teachers who have never taught me before. And text books the size of truck tires. I guess it's no wonder I'm overwhelmed.

Very overwhelmed.

Everything is so different. It's all new and strange to me. It drives me crazy trying to wrap my head around everything I have to study and everything I have to do. Sigh. Time to contemplate me life choices.

Day one, and I'm already starting to regret choosing Bio-Maths as my main subjects. Not that there was much of a choice in the first place. I keep telling myself it's for the best. It has to be.

There was no shortage of the usual resolutions I take at the beginning of every academic year. Study the daily portions, do your home work, try not to hate any subjects; the list goes on and on. Every year I tell myself, you have to stick to these promises till the end of the year!! So far it has never worked. That's why this year I keep telling myself, It's not like last time. You can not break these promises to yourself. 

But I know all this "study everyday" stuff won't last until July. It is, unfortunately, inevitable.

I guess what I really should be telling myself, is that this is just another school year like all the others. I got through all of those; I can get though this. Maybe a little bit more effort. Maybe work a little harder. And I might actually make it.

It can't be that hard, right? Right? People have survived before...

Anyway, my life doesn't revolve around this. There's so much more going on outside school. I can't let all that go. I know this is important. But not the most important thing going on in my life.

Besides, I got this. I totally got this. Piece of cake. Just like 10th was a piece of cake. Not utterly terrifying at all!

This is a new beginning. A new phase. And no matter what happens; even if Life brings me nose-deep in trouble, there's always a way out. There's always hope. And I just gotta have faith, and a smile that never fades. 

It's a new dawn, 
It's a new day, 
It's a new life...
And I'm feeling... good...

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